Friday, March 24, 2006

1188 lüftballons

At 5:06 minutes in duration, it should be possible to play 99 lüftballons twelve times in one hour one minute and twelve seconds, which is apparently what VH1 intends to do on Sunday. I'm sure that interest was sparked by our recent comments.

Thanks to Emily for the link.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Voter's remorse

Today is the Illinois primary... and I voted for G-Rod, and I feel sick about it. I did it for the party, because I thought that Topinka would be more difficult to beat if an outsider with no machine support and no benefit of incumbency was running against her. But I shouldn't have done it, and I wish I could take it back. G-Rod doesn't deserve to win again.

On the other hand, the new touch-screen voting machines are great. Although they don't help resolve crises of conscience, because you can keep going back and changing your vote. I did it three times, and even cancelled a ballot before holding my nose and voting for the Gov'. Neat machines, though.

And with the voting slip I can probably get a discount at Powell's.