Friday, July 27, 2007


El 25 de julio es fecha importante:

  • En 1593, Enrique IV—futuro rey de Francia—renunció al protestantismo como condición para entrar a París.

  • En 1848, nació Arthur James Balfour, diplomático británico cuya Declaración Balfour sentó las bases de la eventual creación del Estado de Israel.

  • En 1952, Puerto Rico adoptó la Constitutión del Estado Libre Asociado.

  • En 1990, Lucien Bouchard fundó el Bloc Québecois, partido federal canadiense que persigue los objetivos del fallido acuerdo del lago Meech.

  • En 2007, María Cecilia Muñiz-Cubano vino al mundo en Chicago, Illinois.


July 25 is a very important date.

  • In 1593, Henry IV—future king of France—renounced Protestantism as a condition of entering Paris.

  • In 1848 was born Arthur James Balfour, British diplomat whose Balfour Declaration laid the groundwork for the creation of the future state of Israel.

  • In 1952, Puerto Rico adopted the Constitution of the "Free Associated State"—the current "Commonwealth."

  • In 1990, Lucien Bouchard founded the Bloc Quebecois, a Canadian federal party with the goal of pursuing the objectives of the failed Lake Meech accord.

  • In 2007, María Cecilia Muñiz-Cubano came into this world in Chicago, Illinois.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Today, I am a man

Well, that's not entirely accurate (the part about today, I mean). But as of today, I am officially an Assistant Professor of Law and Politics at McGill University and, as these things go in Montréal, also a Professeur adjoint de Droit et Politique à l'université de McGill.

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