Saturday, October 16, 2004

Fafblog! on desert

Cross posted at Political Arguments.

No, not John Rawls or David Miller, but the wise and mighty Fafblog! gives us the most thorough and convincing discussion on desert yet to appear in the annals of moral philosophy.

Here's a taste:
So some a you may not've noticed but the Red Sox have been playin the Yankees!

"Hooray!" says me wavin a bipartisan foam finger. "May the best team win."
"Nooooo!" says Giblets. "The Yankees suck and shall be doomed - ONE DAY - by a RIGHTEOUS GOD in whom Giblets believes VERY DEEPLY - to an eternity of HELLFIRE!"
"But Giblets how can the Yankees suck if they have beaten the Red Sox so many times?" says me.
"That is not what sucking means!" says Giblets. "Sucking is a moral property Fafnir! It does not reflect what the Yankees have done but what the Yankees intrinsically are. And they are intrinsically evil and suck!"

Where, oh where, would we be without Fafblog!?