New encyclopedia of legal theory
Cross posted at Political Arguments.
Via Brian Leiter, we note that there is a new encyclopedia on the block: the Encyclopaedia of Jurisprudence, Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law, brought about by the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR).
Most of the entries are promised—not yet delivered—and there is no way to tell which are actually up. As a public service, I've linked to the available entries below (after the jump).
- Manuel Atienza, "Argumentation in the law"
- Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, "Isaiah Berlin"
- Burton Leiser, "Capital Punishment"
- Sean Coyle, "Common Law"
- Bruce Anderson, "Context of discovery, context of decision and context of justification in the law"
- Chaim Gans, "Value-based disobedience"
- Joan Mesquida Sampol, "Duty - moral and political"
- Janneke Gerards, "Equality as legal argument"
- Juha Räikkä, "Reflective equilibrium"
- Kenneth Winston, "Lon L. Fuller"
- Giovanni Sartor, "Fundamental legal concepts"
- Wojciech Zaluski, "Game theory in jurisprudence"
- Arend Soeteman, "Legal gaps"
- Arend Soeteman, "Hugo Grotius"
- Roger Shiner, "Harm"
- Patricia Mindus, "Axel Hägerström"
- Jerzy Stelmach, "Hermeneutical Legal Theory"
- Wibren van der Burg, "Ideals in law"
- Lorenz Kähler, "Indeterminacy in the law"
- Massimo La Torre, "Institutionalist theories of law"
- Bartosz Brozek, "Interpretation of law"
- Chibli Mallat, "Islamic legal theory"
- Jaap Hage, "Jörgensen's dilemma"
- Augusto Cerri, "Judicial review of statutes"
- Stefano Bertea, "The concept of law"
- Eduardo Rivera López, "Law and Bioethics"
- Jaap Hage, "Law and Defeasability"
- Richard Posner, "Law and Economics - main entry"
- Richard Posner, "Law and Economics - contracts"
- Richard Posner, "Law and Economics - ethics, economics, and adjudication"
- Jeanne Gaakeer, "Law and Literature"
- Juha Raitio, "Legal certainty"
- Kenneth Himma, "Legal positivism"
- Sebastián Urbina, "Legal positivism - critical assessment"
- Torben Spaak, "The concept of legal competence"
- Brian Bix, "Legal theory: types and purposes"
- Horatio Spector, "Liberty"
- Ota Weinberger, "Logic and Law"
- Christopher B. Gray, "Same sex marriage"
- Pauline Westerman, "Natural law"
- Jan Sieckmann, "Objectivity of law"
- Jan Sieckmann, "Objectivity of legal science"
- Luc Wintgens, "Chaim Perelman"
- Francesco Viola, "Positive Law and Natural Law"
- Eveline Feteris, "Practical argumentation in the justification of judicial decisions"
- Roger Shiner, "Precedent"
- Juan Ruiz Manero, "Rules and principles"
- Rex Martin, "Conceptions of Rights in Philosophy"
- James Nickel, "Human rights and globalization"
- David Lyons, "Legal and Moral Rights"
- Guido Pincione, "Rule of law - philosophical perspectives"
- Ernest Weirib, "Tort law as corrective justice"
- Ota Weinberger, "Valid law reconsidered"
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