Thursday, October 13, 2005

The little things

Bloglines has unveiled a very useful new feature. They now display new and saved posts separately on the feeds list, separated by a colon.

If none of this is comprehensible to you, then you are still safe. Walk away now. There is still hope for you.

It was originally a bit confusing to me, since, in my line of work, numbers in the form 15:3 usually mean "volume 15, issue 3" in a journal. But I eventually figured it out. It means "fifteen new posts, three saved ones." Aha!

This is good because now you don't have to go clicking through your feeds to know whether you've already read those ten Becker-Posner posts, or if the folks at Crooked Timber have put up anything new in the last two hours.

Not revolutionary, but useful nonetheless.