Monday, November 29, 2004

Don't bogart that Court, my friend

Cross posted at Political Arguments.

Today the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in what is arguably the most important federalism case of the decade, Ashcroft v. Raich (Case No. 03-1454). The sheer number (and sophistication) of amici curiæ makes for a daunting reading list, but for those who are up to it, links to the documents are below.

I have opted to link to a document at the organization's own page. If that not available, I have opted for text-PDFs over scanned image-PDFs, because the former are usually smaller. The Respondent's page has all of the relevant court documents, from the very first complaint onwards.

Opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Parties' briefs

Department of Justice (Petitioner) brief
Angel McClary Raich's (Respondent) brief
Department of Justice reply

Amici for Petitioner

Robert I. DuPont, et al.
Drug Free America Foundation
Rep. Mark E. Souder, et al.
Community Rights Counsel

Amicus for neither party

Pacific Legal Foundation

Amici for respondent

California Nurses Assn. and DKT Liberty Project
States of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi
Institute for Justice
Constitutional Law Scholars
States of California, Maryland and Washington
Cato Institute
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Marijuana Policy Project
Lymphoma Foundation of America
Reason Foundation
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

UPDATE: In an inexcusable lapse of blogging etiquette, I forgot to thank Will Baude for reminding me of today's oral argument. I should also acknowledge SCOTUSblog's coverage of the case; some of the briefs to which I link are in their archive. And I just noticed that Lawrence Solum also has some thoughts on the matter.

UPDATE: Slate's Dahlia Lithwick reports on the oral arguments in the High Court.