Monday, November 01, 2004

Hitchens comes clean, or at least dusts himself off

Cross posted at Political Arguments.

Via Instapundit, Christopher Hitchens has clarified his presidential endorsement: he's for Bush. I suspected as much in my previous post on this matter. His apparent endorsement of Kerry was a mistake of the editors of Slate.

Not that he's all that ringing in his preference. He's all for Bush in principle, yes, but when the small matter of reality sets in, well...
If I could choose the person whose attitude toward the immediate foe was nearest to mine, I would pick Bush (and Blair). But if I departed from the strictly subjective, and then considered the ways in which this administration has bitched things up, and further imagined what might happen to a Democratic incumbent who was compelled to get real, I could see a case the other way.

In the end, however, it's nice to know that we've settled the British ex-pat former-Trotskyist hawk vote. Oh, that it were so clear in Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Pennsylvania...