Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Kerry's good for business

Good for my business, that is. I'm not predicting that a Democratic administration will shovel truckloads of money to political theory programs. My take on this is more personal. The end of the election means that I won't be wasting so much time on political blogs and poll-tracker sites, regardless of the outcome. But a Kerry win means I won't be substituting poll-trackers for court-watcher as I brace myself for the a civil rights debacle.

Read more!It's a flip on the single-issue anxiety. Frankly, I think that there won't be much of a difference on U.S. foreign policy regardless of who wins tonight. If anything, a Kerry administration will be less bumbling and mendacious than the Bushies, and may end up scaling back on the pace of military intervention. But on the single issue that monopolizes my allegiance—the culture war—a Massachussets liberal in the White House will let me sleep at night. And the thought of social conservatives pulling their hair out and smearing ashes on their face will give me sweet, sweet dreams.

And maybe you'll get some actual work done? That was the point of this post, no?

Yes (ahem!) that too.